We value your prayers for this ministry as we consider future development and needs.

Dr John and 2 ladies requiring surgery. We flew them to Chitokoloki where several doctors gathered to do training.
- When necessary we fly medical patients free of charge from Kalene to Lusaka for specialized treatment. Occasionally charter flights are required and we subsidize 50% of the flight. We look to the Lord to provide funding for this service so that we may be able to help in a greater way.
- It is our hope that specialist Doctors, called of God, will come to Kalene to serve in the Hospital. They could then be flown to other mission stations to help as needed.
- As the Lord provides, it would be a great benefit to have a larger plane. This would allow us to fly one plane instead of two for larger groups and school flights.
- We would like to have skilled maintenance personnel helping the Flight Service. They could be available to fly around the country assisting other mission stations with technical problems.
Guest House
- We are pleased to provide accommodation facilities for missionaries passing through Lusaka. We are waiting on the Lord to provide someone to supervise the running of the guest house.
- We would like to expand our internet coverage to a wider community. Presently we cover the mission, hospital, school of nursing and local schools.
Community support projects
- Currently we have 8 workers involved in support projects to help their families. We will guide them in these endeavors for the next 4 years.
- The present community support projects of raising chickens and eggs could be expanded to include bee keeping and fish ponds.